Sunt o gurmandă când aud de vreo leapşă. De data aceasta, ea vine de la Tasha şi constă în a răspunde unor întrebări cu piese.
Are you male or female? Marlena Shaw – Woman of the ghetto
Describe yourself. Nane – Ca o stea
How do you feel about yourself? Iron Sy – Resistant
Describe what you are thinking right now. Elena Cârstea – Nu sunt perfectă
Describe your current boyfriend.
Describe where you currently live. Placebo – Where is my mind
If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Vaya con Dios – Puerto Rico
Who is your best friends? B.U.G. – Băieţi buni
What would you ask for if you had just one wish? Jah Cure – Unconditional love
What do you know? Tanya Stephens – It’s a pity
What’s the weather like? Immortal Technique – You never know
If your life was a television show, what would it be called? Leasa Dragoş – Diferenţe
What is life to you? Fugees – Killing me softly
What is the best advice you have to give? Tupac – Baby don’t cry
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Nightwish – Eva
De la mine,de la mine,de la mine :D/ :))
la describe you boyfriend….pauza:))
inseamna ca lipseste:-? :-"
buna asta:-? imi place leapsa care ti-a dat-o Tasha:>
Imi place tare mult: Describe what you are thinking right now. "Elena Cârstea – Nu sunt perfectă" Ma regasesc in aceasta melodie.
Aaaaa , mi-o amintesc…:D
La tine sunt mai multi artisti…:D
Eu asta as fi pus la “Describe your current boyfriend.” semnifica lipsa lui, oarecum! 😀 here without you – 3 doors down
mishto ideea :d